Beachbody’s Military Discount Program

military discount shakeology beachbody coaching coach free save 25%

As a military spouse, I am used to making sacrifices… my husband just got home from a 7 month deployment. Even when he is home, there are still a lot of nights when I go to bed alone because he is on a night flying mission. We have spent 2 of our 12 wedding anniversaries together, he has missed half of our daughters birthdays and he wasn’t home for Christmas this year.

But as a military spouse, there are also perks that I get to take advantage of. I’ve flown space A to multiple countries plus Hawaii (a few times!). I’m a Florida resident (where I pay no state taxes) even though I live in Oklahoma. I get to shop at the commissary. And I get discounts from a lot of places – restaurants, stores, etc. And while I’d gladly give up any of those discounts in order to have had my husband home for my son’s first birthday, I’ll take it as an appreciation for all that I sacrifice as a military spouse.

One of the things I love about Beachbody is that they offer a discount for military coaches – and it’s not a little one that barely covers the tax. It’s 25% – which is $32.50 off your monthly Shakeology order! That’s a pretty big deal, especially in military families where money is normally tight.

 active duty military and their spouses can coach for free and get discount

Here’s how it works:

As an active duty military member or the spouse of an active duty military member, you can sign up as a Beachbody “coach” for FREE – your initial sign up fee is waived, as well as the monthly coaching fees. There are no sales requirements and no hidden fees – you can just buy what you want, when you want, for a 25% discount. How much is this worth? Well for a family ordering just one bag of Shakeology a month, you’ll save almost $400.


Then, if you want to, and ONLY IF you want to, you can also build a pretty profitable business as a military coach.

I’ll be honest – I signed up for the discount. I never intended to coach. Honestly, I didn’t like to work out, and guess what? I still don’t. It’s what I consider a necessary evil. But I started drinking Shakeology, and I loved that. For a person who ate as poorly as I did, it was a big improvement in my diet and it made a huge difference in the way I felt. So after a while, I started telling my friends about it. I wasn’t trying to sell it, I was just telling my friends about something awesome! But then they wanted to buy it, and I was a coach, so why not help them out, right?

coaches change lives military coaching beachbody

It didn’t take me too long to figure out I could make a significant income working part time as a coach. I earned 25% on anything I sold PLUS a team cycle bonus for building a team underneath me. As a military spouse, I told my military friends about the product and they wanted to try it too… so it didn’t take too long to start building a successful team made up of my friends and my husbands coworkers. The first month I decided to “sell,” I easily covered the cost of my Shakeology – so I wasn’t just getting a discount, I was getting it for free! And my income continued to grow…


I remember saying to my husband one day “Honey, do you realize that this WEEK I made more than you used to make in a month as a senior airman?”


That was more than a year ago, and my income has doubled since then. Military spouses are retiring their husbands on the income they have made with the free coaching opportunity from Beachbody.

life change positive help others military discount beachbody

The military coaching opportunity has been a HUGE blessing for our family. I’m able to stay at home with my kids, work part time and build a business online that I can take with me anywhere we move. I don’t have to do parties and spend evenings away from my family, in fact, I work primarily when my kids are sleeping. And when my husband retires in 5 years, he will have the option to do whatever he wants because our Beachbody income will surpass what he currently makes servings his country and risking his life daily… and honestly, after 20 years, I think he deserves that.

 freedom opportunity military income work from home business beachbody

Want more details on the military coaching opportunity? Send me a message, look me up on Facebook, or join my team! Whether you are just looking for a discount or you are looking for a way to take control of your fitness and finances, I will be happy to help you get started!


military discount image business fees waived 25% off coaching army air force marines navy coast guard



How much does a Beachbody Coach make?

success is the sum of small steps efforts repeated day in and day outThis is the kind of post I don’t really like doing. You may have noticed, but in my almost two years of coaching, I have never posted my income. But I think people need to know – this isn’t just a hobby.  This isn’t just Amy doing her fitness thing on the side. It’s true that I work part time – I homeschool my kids during the day, I volunteer, and I participate in several homeschool groups that meet during the weekday. I almost exclusively work during the evening, a few hours a night AFTER my kids are in bed.

But to me, my income does not reflect that.

But before I go into that, let me tell you a little about me in case you didn’t already know – I am a homeschool mama with three kids, ages 10, 5 and 2. I have homeschooled for 6 years now (wow!) and I love it. As a former public school teacher and a former librarian, being a homeschool mom is kind of like the best of both worlds for me – I get to teach my own kids all day long. But I’m also a military wife… so when my daughter was four and we decided that I would stay home with her and homeschool, it was a serious hit to our income. And while my husband has always made enough to provide for our family, there wasn’t always enough for the extra things we wanted to do.

I have tried home businesses before – Tupperware, Home Interiors, Stampin’ Up, and while I enjoyed doing them, I never actually made more money than I spent trying to to keep with with the newest products and all the things I needed to buy… and added to that, to sell anything, I had to go out and have parties, which meant I had to pay for gas, drive to someone’s house and spend time away from my family! My husband was not a fan, and to be honest, I really didn’t like having parties. So I made myself a promise that I wasn’t going to try a home business again – it was just too expensive.

just because the past didn't turn out like you wanted it to doesn't mean your future can't be better than you ever imagined

Fast forward about 4 or 5 years. I had a friend on Facebook, always posting about this great weight loss shake and how everyone should drink it. I almost unfriended her, but then I decided to try it first. So I ordered the shake, and since it was free for military members and their spouses to coach, I signed up for yet another home based business. Little did I know just weeks later I would be diagnosed with cancer and end up drinking that little shake daily as a nutrition supplement. It helped me so much, I started telling all my friends about it. And when they asked to order, I realized “Hey, I’m a coach! And I could use a little extra money…” and with that, I started my fourth home business. Only this time the outcome was very different…

the future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams eleanor roosevelt

In January of 2011, I had been a “coach” for about 6 months but I was making $0 dollars a month – I was just ordering my Shakeology for 25% off and I was happy with that. I was still going through chemo and I wasn’t looking to do anything except live… and it didn’t cost me anything to be a coach, so why not save a few dollars, right?

In January of 2012, I had been actively coaching for about 10 months and I made $1529.42. About $400 a week, and I was happy with that. That was $1600 extra dollars every month (it covered our mortgage!), not to mention that in those 10 months, I had already earned a trip to Disneyworld for my whole family and a trip to Argentina for myself. What more could I ask for?

In January of 2013, I had been actively coaching for 22 months and I made $4,284.36. Averaging over $1000 a week, and I am so happy with that. In the past year, I’ve have more than tripled my income – can you think of another job where you can do that?? And not only that, but this January, my husband returned from a deployment, so the kids and I packed it up (since we homeschool, we can do that) and drove to meet him and spend 2 1/2 weeks in a cabin in the mountains. I took off over 1/2 the month of January but I still got paid and I still TRIPLED my income.

I’m not kidding when I say that this career has been a true blessing for my family. I’m not spending a ton of money on product – I buy my Shakeology every month, and I drink it every month. It’s a product I believe in and I would drink it whether I was a coach or not. And I buy a new workout program occasionally.

Yes, to do this business, I have had to make sacrifices. I have almost completely given up TV. We don’t even have cable anymore. I’m forced to travel a few times a year for trainings and such. And sometimes, I get so excited about working that I stay up too late and sacrifice sleep, making me a really tired mama in the morning.

But the sacrifices I’ve made in no way compares to the freedom Beachbody has given me and my family. I wouldn’t trade it. I enjoy helping people take control of their health and their finances.  The financial freedom this career has given my family while allowing me to stay home with my kids and enjoy them all day is something I never dreamed was possible – but it’s not just for me! It’s possible for any one of you reading this article. Why not you? Have you tried a home business before and failed? So had I. Are you shy? So am I. You’re not a health and fitness expert? Trust me when I say neither was I. This is a business ANYONE can succeed with if they are willing to try, ready for a change for themselves and their families, and I can help you do it.

Message me.

Look me up on Facebook.

Ask me all your questions.

And then take the next step – Join Team determiNation.

Screenshot if you don't like how things are, change it you are not a tree jim rohn-02-03 18.33.21



Amy Allen star diamond coach





Now Accepting Applications!


Want to learn how you can earn a full time income working from home and earn free vacations for your family while helping yourself and others achieve their health and fitness goals?

Beachbody is the company that makes P90X, Insanity and the 21 Day Fix. They also sell the top nutrition supplement on the market, a meal replacement with more than 70 superfoods called Shakeology. They also have an amazing home business opportunity like Pampered Chef or Scentsy but without the parties. Basically it works like this – you get amazing results with Beachbody products, share the benefits with your friends and family, and you make a commission off anything that is ordered through you.


I have been working as a coach for Beachbody for about 18 months now. I started when I was going through chemotherapy and drinking Shakeology really helped me during my treatments. It’s a quality product that I love and believe in. I never expected that this would be the start of a career for me, but having cancer was a wake up call for me.  I wanted to be around to take care of my kids, and having cancer made me realize that I needed to change the way I was eating, exercising, and taking care of my body.


I started running monthly challenge groups for my friends and family, to help them start exercising, eating clean, and taking care of themselves.  I wanted to pass on what I had learned to everyone that I knew.  I watched my friends start getting results, feeling better about their health and becoming more confident.  Aside from being a mom, it’s the most fulfilling job I’ve ever had.


By the end of my first year as a coach, I was making as much as I used to make at my full time job, before I stopped working to stay at home with my kids. By this summer, I had doubled that amount. I’m on track to be making a six figure income this year, working from home.  In my first year, I also ended up earning a free trip to Disneyworld with my family and then another one to Argentina.  In my second year, I earned a trip to Dana Point California and a cruise to Cozumel and Grand Cayman.

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I started out working 1-2 hours per day and now I work 3-4 on a long day. The extra income we have has allowed us to become financially free on a military income and we are able to live without stress about money.

I am looking for people who believe in the company and our products, who want to end obesity and disease, to join my team. I will be working with you one on one with them to create the same sort of results that I have seen in my own business. If that is a step you are ready to take, watch this video and submit your applications via the link below.  I look forward to hearing from you!