Are you paying too much for Shakeology?

Are you paying too much for your Shakeology?  Are you missing out on the huge monthly discount that everyone else seems to know about?  If you are paying more than $97.46 for a month supply, then you are.

What’s The Discount?

Shakeology is everywhere now days, and there is a good reason…It works.

Where else can you find a food that is CHEMICAL FREE and contains more than 70 natural ingredients derived from rich, nutrient-dense whole-food sources from around the world?

Where else can you find a food that curbs your cravings for sugar and junk food, promotes weight loss, increases energy, improves digestion, and increases your immune system?

You can’t!

If you’re here, you probably already know about the endless list of benefits.  Heck, you are probably already a fan and can’t live without your daily dose of dense nutrition.

However, what you may not know is that you are probably paying too much for Shakeology through Amazon, ebay and a variety of other sources.  This means you are missing out on a Shakeology Discount that others are receiving. The fact is, you can get a big Shakeology Discount and receive Shakeology straight from Beachbody to include their Bottom of the Bag Guarantee, for only $97.46 a month, and with only $2.00 shipping if you are on the Home Direct program (local taxes still apply).

That’s 25% less than anywhere else.  Cheap, affordable Shakeology right to your door.

So What Do I Have To Do?

To get the Shakeology Discount, you simply need to become a Beachbody Coach.

WHAT? GASP? NO? I CAN’T BE A COACH! I’m just starting my journey! I don’t have time! I’m not a trainer! I’m not a nutritionist! I can’t give advice! I just wanted to try Shakeology!

Here’s the thing. NONE OF THAT MATTERS! If you want a Shakeology Discount, you can get one as a Coach AND that is it. You don’t have to do anything else. Our team has a bunch of “discount Coaches” that are simply Shakeology superfans and want to take advantage of the 25% discount. WHY NOT? For all of you coupon clippers and promo code hunters, this is a the equivalent Shakeology coupon code.

With a Coach account, you are billed at $15.95/month (see below) but that entitles you to a HEFTY 25% discount on ALL Beachbody products.  Think of that…25% discount on P90X3, Focus T25, 21 Day Fix, TurboFire, Body Beast, ChaLEAN Extreme, Insanity and more.  And, of course, this includes all of their nutritional products, equipment and Shakeology!

In addition to the $32.49 discount, you are saving approximately $14.00 in shipping too.  Even when you throw the cost of the monthly Coach fee, you are still saving an estimated $30.45 per month on Shakeology alone.

Now that’s a pretty good discount, right?

That’s $30.54 of real money…money that stays in YOUR POCKET!

You have to start paying the $15.95 monthly Coach fee starting your second month (no fees for active duty military or their spouse).  Take that Shakeology Discount over a whole year and that comes to $366.48 A YEAR! ($557.88 for active duty military).

I Can Just GET the Shakeology Discount?? No Strings Attached?

Yes! I became a Coach for this sole reason! I had been searching and trying different shake options for a long time. I was tired, drained and dragging and I needed an easy win for a meal. I learned I could get a discount as a Coach! DONE! AND…I could even send it all back after drinking the entire bag for a refund if I wasn’t satisfied! SIGN ME UP!

How do you become a Coach?

You can signup for FREE with the purchase of a Challenge Pack (Shakeology plus a workout of your choice at a discounted price) OR there’s a one time $40 setup fee.

Check out the challenge packs here——>

While a lot of people start as a Coach simply for the discount, they end up talking about how Shakeology dramatically accelerated their workout results to anybody that would listen. With Shakeology taking on the brunt of the nutrition side of the equation it helps make a huge impact in their life.

When those people were interested and purchased anything from Team Beachbody, you then get 25% commission just for having the Coach account.  That’s called a WIN/WIN.  But you do NOT have to do this. You can just be a closet Shakeology drinker…like my husband ;).

That just confirms my decision to make Shakeology part of my daily routine as it’s now become a staple for my family.  So today, I encourage you to NOT pay full price for your Shakeology. You won’t be disappointed!

are you paying too much for shakeology am i discount coach fitness expert how it works


21 Day Fix: 1200 Calorie Week Long Meal Plan

I love the portion control concept of the 21 Day Fix.  It’s clear and straight forward, and my even challengers who have had difficultly following a meal plan before are having success with weight loss by following the easy portion control concept.

I’ve been following the meal plan for almost two months now and it’s one of the easiest plans I’ve ever followed – I love having a list of acceptable clean, whole foods to eat, and I love the accountability of writing down everything I eat each day.  This is the first time I’ve kept a food log and I’ve really noticed if I’m writing it down, I won’t cheat.

But it’s hard to keep coming up with original ideas of what to eat every day, so I thought it would be helpful to my challengers and anyone doing the 21 Day Fix if I shared a copy of my week long meal plan each week.  So here is my Week One Meal Plan.  This is what I plan to eat for the week and while I expect I won’t be perfect, I’m going to do my best.

21 Day Fix Meal Plan Weekly 1200 calories calorie

I know that’s hard to read so here is a pdf file that you can download:

21 day fix weekly meal plan pdf download with links

I’ve also provided links for the recipes that are already on my blog and plan to add more over time until they are all available.

On a side note, I did my first official 21 Day Fix workout tonight and WOW.  That’s all I can say.  I am already sore and it kicked my booty.  Can’t wait to see what this program has in store for me!  Stay tuned for my week one update next Monday along with a new meal plan and more recipes!

Amy Allen star diamond coach

Orange Dream Shakeology


Orange Dream Shakeology (serves one)

Container Checklist: 1 red and 1 purple


2 cups ice

6 ounces orange juice

2 ounces water

1 scoop Vanilla Shakeology

1 capsule Cordastra*

1 packet Alkalinize**

dash of Mineralize**

2 ounces Ningxia Red***

1 tsp stevia or honey (optional)

Blend until smooth.  You may want to add more water to get it to the consistency you like.  You can omit any of the supplement you don’t have or don’t use.  The honey or stevia is optional.  I found when I first started using these supplements, I needed the little bit of extra sugar to get it down, but now that I am used to the flavor, I don’t add the extra sugar.

This is what I call my cancer prevention shake and I pretty much drink this daily.  It’s like a healthy version of an Orange Julius (one of my favorites) but with the added bonus of keeping me healthy.  Since finishing Chemo and the Ultimate Reset, I add several supplements to my daily Shakeology, primarily to boost my immune system and keep my body in an alkaline state. I plan to write reviews of all of these products in the future, but until then, here is a little bit about them and links to where you can get more info or order.  And as always, feel free to message me with any questions you have about them and why I use them.

cordastra chinese herbs supplemient immune system energy

* Cordastra is a Beachbody Supplement designed to boost your immunity and energy.

beachbody ultimate reset supplement mineralize beachbody ultimate reset alkalinize supplement

** Alkalinize and Mineralize are supplements used as part of the Ultimate Reset and I continue to use them as daily maintenance for my body.

*** Ningxia Red is a wolfberry juice that also contains other essential oils that boost your immune system and fight disease.

cancer alkaline state cant survive otto warlburg

While I was going through treatments, I read an interesting article about how cancer cannot survive in an alkaline environment.  I am neither a doctor or a scientist and I’m not even 100% sure that’s it true, but after reading this, I felt like it would be worth my time to add an alkaline supplement to my diet.  That’s when I added Alkalinize.  It is practically impossible to drink straight, but when I add it into my shake, I don’t even notice it’s there.

beachbody ur ultimate reset supplement alkalinize cancer alkaline  alkalinize supplement info ingredients

otto warburg alkaline environment cancer treatment

Amy Allen star diamond coach


Vanilla Mocha Shakeology

vanilla mocha shakeology picture

Vanilla Mocha Shakeology (serves 1)

Container Checklist: 1 red



1 cup brewed unsweetened coffee, cooled

1 scoop chocolate Shakeology

1/2 tsp pure vanilla extract

1 cup ice

Blend until smooth.  I like to blend mine for at least 3 minutes so that it is really smooth going down.  Enjoy your daily dose of dense nutrition with your morning coffee!

Amy Allen star diamond coach

lose weight fight disease gain energy stay regular get healthy shakeology


What is the Shakeology Cleanse?

shakeology cleanse explained

About a year ago, I tried my first Shakeology Cleanse. I didn’t take pictures or record my measurements, but I know I lost around 4 pounds and quite a few inches – and it stayed off.

Now, with the release of the 21 Day Fix, I’m ready to try it again. I have read several blogs and testimonials about doing the cleanse, and I know it’s a great way to jump start a weight loss program, break through a plateau, or just cleanse your body of toxins.

From the results I have seen among my coaches and clients, typical weight loss is between 3-10 pounds depending on where you start, and while it sounds a little scary, it’s totally worth it.

So I am going to give it a try – I’m starting next Friday to do it over the weekend (Friday, Saturday, Sunday) – right before I start the full 21 day fix program on Monday morning. Interested in doing it with me? Message me for details! I’ll be mailing out cleanse kits on Monday morning for anyone who wants to give it a shot at the same time as me for extra support.

Shakeology Cleanse

If you want to lose 3-10 lbs in 3 days and cleanse your body of preservatives, you HAVE to try this cleanse…

If you want to jump start your results from the 21 Day Fix or any weight loss programs, you HAVE to try this cleanse…

If you want to break through a weight loss plateau, you have to try this cleanse…

Want to hear from others who have tried the cleanse?

Read about Maggie’s Experience Here

What is the Shakeology Cleanse and what makes it different from other cleanses…

The Shakeology Cleanse is not truly a cleanse in the sense that people normally mean cleanse – you are not starving yourself and you still get to eat real food (not just liquids!). There are no weird combos of cinnamon and cayenne powder to drink… just nutrient rich foods along with Shakeology. You will be restricting your calories, but you will also be satisfied because you are still providing your body with all the nutrients it needs.

The main goal of the cleanse is to get the maximum amount of nutrition into your body with the fewest calories consumed. You will still be fueling your body but you will also be ridding it of toxins. The result? Your body will run more efficiently! And as an added bonus? You can lose anywhere from 3 to 10 pounds in just three days!

3 day Shakeology Cleanse

The Benefits of the Shakeology 3-Day-Cleanse:

  • Get rid of body fat
  • Detox your body
  • Jump start your weight loss
  • Break through a plateau

So how does the Shakeology Cleanse actually work?

Your meal plan will actually be really close to what you normally eat! You’ll still be eating every few hours, you still get snacks, and you still get meals that are balanced and full of nutrition. During the cleanse, you will still be able to workout. You also have the option to add extra fruits or nuts as well as the fiber supplement from Shakeology. You will get one solid meal a day – your salad – which can also contain four ounces of protein along with fruits, nuts, and seeds, legumes, and veggies.

YOU CAN STILL FEEL FULL! The point is to keep you feeling full and also to avoid anything that is artificial – so no salad dressing.

During the Shakeology Cleanse you will optimize your body’s performance. You want to have enough food to fuel your day and your workout, but by eating the food recommended, it would be hard to overeat. And with an abundance of fiber, digestive aids, and enzymes, your body will get rid of excess food, fat, and waste.

Shakeology 3-Day Cleanse Explained:


<Download the pdf file here: shakeologycleanse>

This cleanse is not meant to be a substitute for good nutrition or a fitness program, rather, it’s meant to be used WITH your regular fitness plan. You should schedule during your recovery weeks, especially if you are doing an intense program.

It’s is also a GREAT way to jump start your weight loss results before starting a new fitness program, or breaking through a plateau if you have been stuck for a while. For me, I’m doing the cleanse the weekend before starting my new challenge group for the 21 Day Fix, getting your body healthy, and get a head start on awesome results.

Want to join me?? Message me for details or order your cleanse kit here.

You might not lose weight…

And truly, that’s not the goal! The true purpose of the Shakeology Cleanse is to clean all of the JUNK out of your body – to DETOXIFY.

Yes, MOST people will lose some weight but weight… but people with a lot of junk in their systems will probably lose the most weight. If you already eat pretty clean (focusing on whole foods and avoiding processed foods) your body won’t have to detoxify nearly as much as someone who hasn’t. But even if you don’t lose a lot of weight during the cleanse, it will prepare your body to lose weight as you start your new fitness program.

Another thing to consider is that a calorie restriction can be stressful – so the stress level in your body may prevent you from losing as much weight as you could. This is one of the main reasons not to do the Shakeology cleanse for more than 3 days, and not more than once per quarter.

A 3 day Shakeology Cleanse costs $60 (including shipping and handling. Click here if you’d like to order!

Frequently Asked Questions:

While doing the cleanse, how many calories will I eat per day?

  • 800 – 1,100 per day

How often can I do the Shakeology Cleanse?

  • Once per quarter (every 3 months)
  • To jump start a new fitness program
  • To break through a plateau

Should I/Can I still do my workout during the Cleanse?

  • Depends on how you feel – listen to your body!
  • It might be a good idea to schedule it during your recovery week or before starting a program.

Can I do a 1-day or 2-day Cleanse?

  • Yes, some people see results in 1 or 2 days! Do it for as long or as little as you like.
  • However, you should NOT do the Cleanse for longer than 3 days!

How Much Does it Cost?

  • $60 per 3 day cleanse including shipping.

To order, click here!

Amy Allen star diamond coach

Shakeology Cleanse – 9 pounds in 3 Days!!??

Maggie is a coach on my team.  She works full time as a grill cook at a restaurant (talk about a challenging job when you are trying to get fit!!).  She also runs her own Beachbody Business and is committed to getting into the best shape of her life WHILE planning a wedding, taking care of a new puppy, and maintaining her parents home while they take care of her sick grandmother (!!).  Oh, and in her free time, she loves to knit!  If she can make time for health and fitness, ANYONE can!   But in any weight loss journey, there are times when you need to change things up – maybe you hit a plateau, maybe you are getting ready to start a new program and want to jumpstart your results!  To do that, you need to change your diet, increase your exercise or decrease your calories – and the Shakeology cleanse is a healthy option to do just that.  So another healthy option is to do the 3-day Shakeology Cleanse.  Maggie, along with some of her support system, took the Shakeology Cleanse Challenge and here is her story!

Maggie’s Story

936040_10201326448866552_1494629029_n“I did the cleanse right after before Thanksgiving. It was really hard with all of the delicious treats everyone was making! I was in a group of four people, my fiance’ and I and my friend and her fiance’; so that made it easier to stay accountable. The first day was definitely the hardest. It was almost like my sense of smell had been maximized! I could literally smell EVERYTHING! But I stayed strong because I knew I was going to get amazing results if I stuck it out and I would be so mad at myself if I gave up!

The next day was so much easier! I woke up with a good nights sleep, feeling alert and refreshed! I had only had maybe 4 hours of sleep because I was up late doing my Christmas knitting and I had a lot to get done. Day two went by smoothly and day three was a breeze! I was at the finish line and I would NOT give up!

Shakeology Cleanse

I’m not going to lie, on the second day, I only had 2 shakes instead of the 3 and on the third day I didn’t drink the green tea or have an AM snack. I know that if I would have done it the way I was supposed to, then my results would have been even more amazing! But I was BLOWN AWAY with my results! I lost 9 lbs and 3 inches off my hips!!! My group as a whole lost almost 24 lbs!! We were all so excited with our results and I cannot wait to do the cleanse again at the end of the quarter to feel amazingly clean, refreshed and overall, happier!” ~Maggie

Want to try it?  Click here to buy!

shakeologycleanseAmy Allen star diamond coach


What is the 21 Day Fix??

21day fix collage

The 21 Day Fix is the newest fitness program on the market, scheduled to be released on February 3rd. It’s a totally unique concept in the fitness world for a few reasons – it’s exercise and nutrition COMBINED into one all inclusive program, you only workout for 30 minutes EACH DAY (!!) and you can see killer results in JUST 21 DAYS. This is virtually unheard of, especially since this is NOT a crash diet or an extreme starvation diet – it’s a sustainable, HEALTHY change and (big shocker!!): YOU CAN STILL HAVE DESSERT!

This rapid weight loss program gives you a nutrition guide with portion controlled containers, a workout program, plus the support and accountability of ME as your coach.

Yes, it’s true – now there is a program that makes losing weight so easy and simple to follow, you’ll never have to diet again! This is the 21 Day Fix, the newest breakthrough from Beachbody.

21 day Fix review

So what is the 21 Day Fix??

The 21 Day Fix program takes the guesswork out of weight loss. It’s a unique portion-control system combined with easy-to-follow 30 minute workouts that fit into anyone’s busy schedule. Trainer Autumn Calabrese shares her passion for food and fitness as she shows you how to make simple choices that add up to life-changing results.

I can’t even begin to share how stinking excited I am about this!! How many of us FEEL like we are doing everything we can but we just aren’t seeing any changes?? You’re going to the gym 3-5 times a week, you’re working hard than anyone there… you think you are eating healthy, but no results?? IT COULD BE SOMETHING AS SIMPLE AS PORTION SIZES… And this program, the complete package, can help you pull it all together and finally see the results you are looking for!


As a top Team Beachbody coach, I got the chance to try this workout live during our annual Leadership conference in Dana Point, CA. I’m not going to beat around the bush… it was HARD. 30 minutes? Should be a piece of cake, right? But I was literally struggling to get through it (in a good way!) and I definitely felt it the next way. This isn’t an easy program… it’s designed to get results. Push through and there is NO WAY you won’t see a change in 21 days.

IMG_4572 IMG_4661

One truly awesome thing about the workout is the modifications. Every single workout has a modifier, so if you are just starting out on your fitness journey, that’s ok. A beginner CAN do these workouts. And if you are more advanced, you will follow the advanced instructor. Literally EVERYONE can benefit from these workouts. It is a positive and motivating workout and I will be ordering the MINUTE it is released.

 containersScreen Shot 2014-01-19 at 9.08.31 PM

I was lucky enough to get a sneak peek of the eating guide and I have to say, I have been BLOWN AWAY. It’s so simple, easy-to-follow and the way I feel since I have been following this plan is incredible. I have been eating pretty healthy for a while now, but having these guidelines has made a big difference in my bloating (!!) and in the way I feel. I’m really looking forward to having the actual containers to continue eating this way daily.

So how can you get your own copy of the 21 Day Fix?

For starters, go to my site and create a FREE account which makes ME your Beachbody coach. Then I will send you the details on the 21 Day Fix during the week of Jan 27th. I will be hosting an EXCLUSIVE test group for anyone who would like the support, guidance, motivation and accountability to start and complete the program.

If you want to be part of the test group, submit the application below to be considered for a spot in the group. The group will be only a SELECT group of individuals with are READY TO COMMIT to 21 days of focus and intensity. I will be right there with you to help you navigate the eating plan, to teach you how to plan your meals, to make it work for your life and most importantly, to keep you accountable.

The group is run through an online closed support group, which means no one but those participating in the group can see what is posted. I WILL NOT LET YOU FAIL! If you will invest in me, I will invest in you, your health, and your fitness. The only cost to you is the cost of the challenge pack which will include EVERYTHING you need to get started. It includes the 21 Day nutrition guide, the program manual, the workouts, the containers, Shakeology and a Shakeology Shaker cup, free shipping, a discounted price and ME as your coach for accountability, support, and guidance.


It took a HUGE wake up call for me to get started on a healthy lifestyle – cancer!! Having cancer made me realize I needed to change the way I was taking care of myself so I could be there to raise my kids… and this is something I want for ALL OF YOU. I want to help you TAKE CONTROL of your health so you can life a full healthy life with no regrets… so why not start now? Don’t wait for that wake up call… this is it! This is your chance to change your life. Why not now? Why not you? Be the next transformation!!

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21 Day Fix EXCLUSIVE TEST GROUP Application Form
