Have you thought about what it means to TAKE CONTROL OF  your life??

Watch the video below RIGHT NOW to find out how…

When you subtract the amount of hours you sleep, work, and commute, you probably don’t have more than one, maybe two hours per day to do what you would like to do, and that’s if you have the money and energy to do it!


Team Beachbody helps you gain ALL three!


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Want to learn more about the coaching opportunity?

Read on, then fill out the form below and schedule an appointment with Amy today!

Want to learn how you can earn a full time income working from home and earn free vacations for your family while helping yourself and others achieve their health and fitness goals?

Beachbody is the company that makes P90X, Insanity and the 21 Day Fix. They also sell the top nutrition supplement on the market, a meal replacement with more than 70 superfoods called Shakeology. They also have an amazing home business opportunity like Pampered Chef or Scentsy but without the parties. Basically it works like this – you get amazing results with Beachbody products, share the benefits with your friends and family, and you make a commission off anything that is ordered through you.

fitness business pic fitness is my business let's make it yours too amy allen star diamond beachbody coach mentorship opportunity work from home stay at home mom homeschool


I have been working as a coach for Beachbody for about 3 years now. I started when I was going through chemotherapy and drinking Shakeology really helped me during my treatments. It’s a quality product that I love and believe in. I never expected that this would be the start of a career for me, but having cancer was a wake up call for me.  I wanted to be around to take care of my kids, and having cancer made me realize that I needed to change the way I was eating, exercising, and taking care of my body.

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I started running monthly challenge groups for my friends and family, to help them start exercising, eating clean, and taking care of themselves.  I wanted to pass on what I had learned to everyone that I knew.  I watched my friends start getting results, feeling better about their health and becoming more confident.  Aside from being a mom, it’s the most fulfilling job I’ve ever had.

believe in self

By the end of my first year as a coach, I was making as much as I used to make at my full time job, before I stopped working to stay at home with my kids. By this summer, I had doubled that amount. I’m on track to be making a six figure income this year, working from home.  In my first year, I also ended up earning a free trip to Disneyworld with my family and then another one to Argentina.  In my second year, I earned a trip to Dana Point California and a cruise to Cozumel and Grand Cayman.

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free trip disney beachbody success club trip

I started out working 1-2 hours per day and now I work 3-4 on a long day. The extra income we have has allowed us to become financially free on a military income and we are able to live without stress about money.

beachbody rank elite coach 86 top star diamond

As a coach, my team is ranked #86 out of over 300,000 teams and I’m looking for people who believe in the company and our products, who want to end obesity and disease, to join my team. I will be working with you one on one with them to create the same sort of results that I have seen in my own business. If that is a step you are ready to take, watch this video and submit your applications via the link below.  I look forward to hearing from you!

join my team determination us star diamond amy allen mentorship

Personal Development… do I really need it? and WHY??

A cool thing happened to me earlier this year. My husband and I went on a free cruise with Beachbody (that’s not the cool thing, although that was pretty awesome) and while we were there, he said some pretty sweet things about me.

amy allen cruise cozumel mexico grand cayman beachbody free trip success club personal development

One of those things was about how I’ve grown personally since starting my health transformation and my journey with Beachbody. He told some of our friends “Even if Amy never made a cent with Beachbody, I would still be grateful for it because it has helped her grow so much as a person.”

That is one of the best compliments I have ever received in my life. You see, I’ve always been a very shy person. Like I won’t ask where the bathroom is at the store shy. I won’t call the bank shy. And the fact that my husband, who knows me better than anyone else, has noticed my growth really made my day. It kind of made my year, I guess, since here I am 9 months later, still basking in the glow of that compliment.

Clearly, Beachbody is a health and fitness company. But more than any other company or business that I have worked with before, they emphasize personal growth, and so daily over the past 2 and a half years, I have invested in myself. I read books about growth. I watch videos. I go to seminars. And every bit of what I invest in myself, I get to keep no matter what else happens in my life.

To be honest, the first six months I was coaching, I thought the personal development portion was bogus and I didn’t do it. And while I had a moderate amount of success, it was nothing to write home about. I started to get stuck and my business wasn’t growing. And at that point, I thought “Well maybe it’s time to give this personal development thing a try.”  And that’s when my business really started to grow.

So this year…

I’m making a plan.  Rather than just reading whatever I feel like and attending events with no plan for the future, I made myself a personal development calendar.  It includes books, events and online training programs for the year.  In addition to attending 3 live events (aside from Beachbody sponsored events), I’m also going to read at least 24 personal developments, which I invite you to do along with me.

Here’s my schedule for the year:

January –

Entreleadership, by Dave Ramsey

How to Build Network Marketing Leaders, by Tom Schreiter

February –

People Follow You, by Jeb Blount

Playing Big, by Kim Flynn

March –

The Slight Edge, by Jeff Olson

Awaken the Giant Within, by Tony Robbins

April –

360 Degree Leader, by John Maxwell

Motivation Manifesto, by Brendon Burchard

Tribes, by Seth Godin

May –

Go For No, by Richard Fenton

Eat That Frog, by Brian Tracy

June –

Top Earning Recruiter Secrets, by Ray and Jessica Higdon

Strengths Finder 2.0, by Tom Rath

Quitter, by Jon Acuff

July –

Magic of Thinking Big, by David Schwartz

15 Invaluable Laws of Growth, by John Maxwell

August –

Developing the Leader Within, by John Maxwell

Start, by Jon Acuff

September –

Go Pro, by Eric Worre

Entrepreneur Roller Coaster, by Darren Hardy

5 Lessons a Millionaire Taught Me, by Richard Paul Evans

October –

Think and Grow Rich, by Napoleon Hill

Put Your Dream to the Test, by John Maxwell

November –

Compound Effect, by Darren Hardy

Girlboss, by Sophia Amoruso

December –

5 Levels of Leadership, by John Maxwell

PUSH, by Chalene Johnson

As I finish reading these (some of them for the second time), I plan to write up a short review and share it here for accountability.  No matter where you are or what career you are in, I invite you to join me in personal development this year.

BONUS TIP:  Goodwill or the Salvation Army is a GREAT place to find some of these books for a fraction of the price!  Last weekend I found THREE of the books on my list for .99 cents EACH – score!!