Have you thought about what it means to TAKE CONTROL OF  your life??

Watch the video below RIGHT NOW to find out how…

When you subtract the amount of hours you sleep, work, and commute, you probably don’t have more than one, maybe two hours per day to do what you would like to do, and that’s if you have the money and energy to do it!


Team Beachbody helps you gain ALL three!


family pic


Want to learn more about the coaching opportunity?

Read on, then fill out the form below and schedule an appointment with Amy today!

Want to learn how you can earn a full time income working from home and earn free vacations for your family while helping yourself and others achieve their health and fitness goals?

Beachbody is the company that makes P90X, Insanity and the 21 Day Fix. They also sell the top nutrition supplement on the market, a meal replacement with more than 70 superfoods called Shakeology. They also have an amazing home business opportunity like Pampered Chef or Scentsy but without the parties. Basically it works like this – you get amazing results with Beachbody products, share the benefits with your friends and family, and you make a commission off anything that is ordered through you.

fitness business pic fitness is my business let's make it yours too amy allen star diamond beachbody coach mentorship opportunity work from home stay at home mom homeschool


I have been working as a coach for Beachbody for about 3 years now. I started when I was going through chemotherapy and drinking Shakeology really helped me during my treatments. It’s a quality product that I love and believe in. I never expected that this would be the start of a career for me, but having cancer was a wake up call for me.  I wanted to be around to take care of my kids, and having cancer made me realize that I needed to change the way I was eating, exercising, and taking care of my body.

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I started running monthly challenge groups for my friends and family, to help them start exercising, eating clean, and taking care of themselves.  I wanted to pass on what I had learned to everyone that I knew.  I watched my friends start getting results, feeling better about their health and becoming more confident.  Aside from being a mom, it’s the most fulfilling job I’ve ever had.

believe in self

By the end of my first year as a coach, I was making as much as I used to make at my full time job, before I stopped working to stay at home with my kids. By this summer, I had doubled that amount. I’m on track to be making a six figure income this year, working from home.  In my first year, I also ended up earning a free trip to Disneyworld with my family and then another one to Argentina.  In my second year, I earned a trip to Dana Point California and a cruise to Cozumel and Grand Cayman.

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free trip disney beachbody success club trip

I started out working 1-2 hours per day and now I work 3-4 on a long day. The extra income we have has allowed us to become financially free on a military income and we are able to live without stress about money.

beachbody rank elite coach 86 top star diamond

As a coach, my team is ranked #86 out of over 300,000 teams and I’m looking for people who believe in the company and our products, who want to end obesity and disease, to join my team. I will be working with you one on one with them to create the same sort of results that I have seen in my own business. If that is a step you are ready to take, watch this video and submit your applications via the link below.  I look forward to hearing from you!

join my team determination us star diamond amy allen mentorship

Personal Development… do I really need it? and WHY??

A cool thing happened to me earlier this year. My husband and I went on a free cruise with Beachbody (that’s not the cool thing, although that was pretty awesome) and while we were there, he said some pretty sweet things about me.

amy allen cruise cozumel mexico grand cayman beachbody free trip success club personal development

One of those things was about how I’ve grown personally since starting my health transformation and my journey with Beachbody. He told some of our friends “Even if Amy never made a cent with Beachbody, I would still be grateful for it because it has helped her grow so much as a person.”

That is one of the best compliments I have ever received in my life. You see, I’ve always been a very shy person. Like I won’t ask where the bathroom is at the store shy. I won’t call the bank shy. And the fact that my husband, who knows me better than anyone else, has noticed my growth really made my day. It kind of made my year, I guess, since here I am 9 months later, still basking in the glow of that compliment.

Clearly, Beachbody is a health and fitness company. But more than any other company or business that I have worked with before, they emphasize personal growth, and so daily over the past 2 and a half years, I have invested in myself. I read books about growth. I watch videos. I go to seminars. And every bit of what I invest in myself, I get to keep no matter what else happens in my life.

To be honest, the first six months I was coaching, I thought the personal development portion was bogus and I didn’t do it. And while I had a moderate amount of success, it was nothing to write home about. I started to get stuck and my business wasn’t growing. And at that point, I thought “Well maybe it’s time to give this personal development thing a try.”  And that’s when my business really started to grow.

So this year…

I’m making a plan.  Rather than just reading whatever I feel like and attending events with no plan for the future, I made myself a personal development calendar.  It includes books, events and online training programs for the year.  In addition to attending 3 live events (aside from Beachbody sponsored events), I’m also going to read at least 24 personal developments, which I invite you to do along with me.

Here’s my schedule for the year:

January –

Entreleadership, by Dave Ramsey

How to Build Network Marketing Leaders, by Tom Schreiter

February –

People Follow You, by Jeb Blount

Playing Big, by Kim Flynn

March –

The Slight Edge, by Jeff Olson

Awaken the Giant Within, by Tony Robbins

April –

360 Degree Leader, by John Maxwell

Motivation Manifesto, by Brendon Burchard

Tribes, by Seth Godin

May –

Go For No, by Richard Fenton

Eat That Frog, by Brian Tracy

June –

Top Earning Recruiter Secrets, by Ray and Jessica Higdon

Strengths Finder 2.0, by Tom Rath

Quitter, by Jon Acuff

July –

Magic of Thinking Big, by David Schwartz

15 Invaluable Laws of Growth, by John Maxwell

August –

Developing the Leader Within, by John Maxwell

Start, by Jon Acuff

September –

Go Pro, by Eric Worre

Entrepreneur Roller Coaster, by Darren Hardy

5 Lessons a Millionaire Taught Me, by Richard Paul Evans

October –

Think and Grow Rich, by Napoleon Hill

Put Your Dream to the Test, by John Maxwell

November –

Compound Effect, by Darren Hardy

Girlboss, by Sophia Amoruso

December –

5 Levels of Leadership, by John Maxwell

PUSH, by Chalene Johnson

As I finish reading these (some of them for the second time), I plan to write up a short review and share it here for accountability.  No matter where you are or what career you are in, I invite you to join me in personal development this year.

BONUS TIP:  Goodwill or the Salvation Army is a GREAT place to find some of these books for a fraction of the price!  Last weekend I found THREE of the books on my list for .99 cents EACH – score!!

Work with me!

amy allen fitness work with me opportunity you can have it all beachbody work from home coach for free be a coach take control health fitness finances free time you got this

What would it mean for your life if you could …

– Turn your time on Facebook into a job?

– Find the time to get into the best shape of your life?

– Take your family on the vacation of a lifetime… for free?

– Make an extra $50 a week? How about an extra $500? Or more?

– Help other women just like you do the same thing?

– All while working just a few hours a day, from your own home?

I can show you how to achieve all that and more!

Keep reading…

Who do I want for my team? 

  • I want POSITIVE PEOPLE who are READY to take their life to the next level and make it something AMAZING!
  • I want MOMS who want to TAKE CONTROL of their lives to become HEALTHY and HAPPY … and want to help other moms do the same!
  • I want people who have overcome struggles and want others
    to be able to learn from their experience.
  • I want people who feel like something is missing, that they were made for MORE, and want to live their life by design.

Sometimes I can’t believe this is what I do for a living…

  • I’m able to  stay at home and homeschool my kids while still helping my family financially.
  • I’m able to make MORE working from home than I did working full time!
  • I get to take my family on dream vacations like an ALL EXPENSES PAID trip to Disneyworld.
  • I get to make amazing and rewarding friendships with other women every day.
  • I’m in the best shape of my life, working out from home with celebrity trainers!
  • I get to travel to amazing places like Argentina, Uruguay, Belize, Mexico, Grand Cayman, Laguna Beach, Tennessee… so far!…just for helping other women just like you get healthy!

What does your dream life look like?
Could this be for YOU?

Do you want to…

Get healthier
Get happier
Make money $$
Be financially free
Have a purpose
Use your struggles to help others
Be a leader
Have extra accountability
Be surrounded by postive people
Use social media to build a brand
Start your own buisness
Not have a “job”

Why Not You? 


1 – Apply to join my mentorship program!

If selected you will be personally mentored by me!


2 – Attend a Live Webinar!

Let’s talk!  I want to get to know  you, share my story, and tell you exactly what I do and what you would be a part of!


3 – Discuss whether you are a good fit for the team and get started!

Once you are officially part of the team we will set up a one on one call and get your business, brand started right!


Beachbody’s Military Discount Program

military discount shakeology beachbody coaching coach free save 25%

As a military spouse, I am used to making sacrifices… my husband just got home from a 7 month deployment. Even when he is home, there are still a lot of nights when I go to bed alone because he is on a night flying mission. We have spent 2 of our 12 wedding anniversaries together, he has missed half of our daughters birthdays and he wasn’t home for Christmas this year.

But as a military spouse, there are also perks that I get to take advantage of. I’ve flown space A to multiple countries plus Hawaii (a few times!). I’m a Florida resident (where I pay no state taxes) even though I live in Oklahoma. I get to shop at the commissary. And I get discounts from a lot of places – restaurants, stores, etc. And while I’d gladly give up any of those discounts in order to have had my husband home for my son’s first birthday, I’ll take it as an appreciation for all that I sacrifice as a military spouse.

One of the things I love about Beachbody is that they offer a discount for military coaches – and it’s not a little one that barely covers the tax. It’s 25% – which is $32.50 off your monthly Shakeology order! That’s a pretty big deal, especially in military families where money is normally tight.

 active duty military and their spouses can coach for free and get discount

Here’s how it works:

As an active duty military member or the spouse of an active duty military member, you can sign up as a Beachbody “coach” for FREE – your initial sign up fee is waived, as well as the monthly coaching fees. There are no sales requirements and no hidden fees – you can just buy what you want, when you want, for a 25% discount. How much is this worth? Well for a family ordering just one bag of Shakeology a month, you’ll save almost $400.


Then, if you want to, and ONLY IF you want to, you can also build a pretty profitable business as a military coach.

I’ll be honest – I signed up for the discount. I never intended to coach. Honestly, I didn’t like to work out, and guess what? I still don’t. It’s what I consider a necessary evil. But I started drinking Shakeology, and I loved that. For a person who ate as poorly as I did, it was a big improvement in my diet and it made a huge difference in the way I felt. So after a while, I started telling my friends about it. I wasn’t trying to sell it, I was just telling my friends about something awesome! But then they wanted to buy it, and I was a coach, so why not help them out, right?

coaches change lives military coaching beachbody

It didn’t take me too long to figure out I could make a significant income working part time as a coach. I earned 25% on anything I sold PLUS a team cycle bonus for building a team underneath me. As a military spouse, I told my military friends about the product and they wanted to try it too… so it didn’t take too long to start building a successful team made up of my friends and my husbands coworkers. The first month I decided to “sell,” I easily covered the cost of my Shakeology – so I wasn’t just getting a discount, I was getting it for free! And my income continued to grow…


I remember saying to my husband one day “Honey, do you realize that this WEEK I made more than you used to make in a month as a senior airman?”


That was more than a year ago, and my income has doubled since then. Military spouses are retiring their husbands on the income they have made with the free coaching opportunity from Beachbody.

life change positive help others military discount beachbody

The military coaching opportunity has been a HUGE blessing for our family. I’m able to stay at home with my kids, work part time and build a business online that I can take with me anywhere we move. I don’t have to do parties and spend evenings away from my family, in fact, I work primarily when my kids are sleeping. And when my husband retires in 5 years, he will have the option to do whatever he wants because our Beachbody income will surpass what he currently makes servings his country and risking his life daily… and honestly, after 20 years, I think he deserves that.

 freedom opportunity military income work from home business beachbody

Want more details on the military coaching opportunity? Send me a message, look me up on Facebook, or join my team! Whether you are just looking for a discount or you are looking for a way to take control of your fitness and finances, I will be happy to help you get started!


military discount image business fees waived 25% off coaching army air force marines navy coast guard



Happy Birthday to ME!


I don’t know that anyone appreciates this quote more than me…

Two years ago, I honestly wasn’t 100% sure that I would have any more birthdays and now I am so grateful for each and every one.

Last year, on my 30th birthday, I was blessed to be in Argentina on an all expenses paid, first class trip to Buenos Aires and Uruguay, compliments of Beachbody.

This year, I’m not on a cool vacation but instead I get to enjoy it with my kids and I am so very grateful for that.  And do you want to know why?  Having cancer taught me to appreciate every minute and make the most of them. There is no guarantee on the amount of time you have left and I’m going to continue to make every minute count.

How much does a Beachbody Coach make?

success is the sum of small steps efforts repeated day in and day outThis is the kind of post I don’t really like doing. You may have noticed, but in my almost two years of coaching, I have never posted my income. But I think people need to know – this isn’t just a hobby.  This isn’t just Amy doing her fitness thing on the side. It’s true that I work part time – I homeschool my kids during the day, I volunteer, and I participate in several homeschool groups that meet during the weekday. I almost exclusively work during the evening, a few hours a night AFTER my kids are in bed.

But to me, my income does not reflect that.

But before I go into that, let me tell you a little about me in case you didn’t already know – I am a homeschool mama with three kids, ages 10, 5 and 2. I have homeschooled for 6 years now (wow!) and I love it. As a former public school teacher and a former librarian, being a homeschool mom is kind of like the best of both worlds for me – I get to teach my own kids all day long. But I’m also a military wife… so when my daughter was four and we decided that I would stay home with her and homeschool, it was a serious hit to our income. And while my husband has always made enough to provide for our family, there wasn’t always enough for the extra things we wanted to do.

I have tried home businesses before – Tupperware, Home Interiors, Stampin’ Up, and while I enjoyed doing them, I never actually made more money than I spent trying to to keep with with the newest products and all the things I needed to buy… and added to that, to sell anything, I had to go out and have parties, which meant I had to pay for gas, drive to someone’s house and spend time away from my family! My husband was not a fan, and to be honest, I really didn’t like having parties. So I made myself a promise that I wasn’t going to try a home business again – it was just too expensive.

just because the past didn't turn out like you wanted it to doesn't mean your future can't be better than you ever imagined

Fast forward about 4 or 5 years. I had a friend on Facebook, always posting about this great weight loss shake and how everyone should drink it. I almost unfriended her, but then I decided to try it first. So I ordered the shake, and since it was free for military members and their spouses to coach, I signed up for yet another home based business. Little did I know just weeks later I would be diagnosed with cancer and end up drinking that little shake daily as a nutrition supplement. It helped me so much, I started telling all my friends about it. And when they asked to order, I realized “Hey, I’m a coach! And I could use a little extra money…” and with that, I started my fourth home business. Only this time the outcome was very different…

the future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams eleanor roosevelt

In January of 2011, I had been a “coach” for about 6 months but I was making $0 dollars a month – I was just ordering my Shakeology for 25% off and I was happy with that. I was still going through chemo and I wasn’t looking to do anything except live… and it didn’t cost me anything to be a coach, so why not save a few dollars, right?

In January of 2012, I had been actively coaching for about 10 months and I made $1529.42. About $400 a week, and I was happy with that. That was $1600 extra dollars every month (it covered our mortgage!), not to mention that in those 10 months, I had already earned a trip to Disneyworld for my whole family and a trip to Argentina for myself. What more could I ask for?

In January of 2013, I had been actively coaching for 22 months and I made $4,284.36. Averaging over $1000 a week, and I am so happy with that. In the past year, I’ve have more than tripled my income – can you think of another job where you can do that?? And not only that, but this January, my husband returned from a deployment, so the kids and I packed it up (since we homeschool, we can do that) and drove to meet him and spend 2 1/2 weeks in a cabin in the mountains. I took off over 1/2 the month of January but I still got paid and I still TRIPLED my income.

I’m not kidding when I say that this career has been a true blessing for my family. I’m not spending a ton of money on product – I buy my Shakeology every month, and I drink it every month. It’s a product I believe in and I would drink it whether I was a coach or not. And I buy a new workout program occasionally.

Yes, to do this business, I have had to make sacrifices. I have almost completely given up TV. We don’t even have cable anymore. I’m forced to travel a few times a year for trainings and such. And sometimes, I get so excited about working that I stay up too late and sacrifice sleep, making me a really tired mama in the morning.

But the sacrifices I’ve made in no way compares to the freedom Beachbody has given me and my family. I wouldn’t trade it. I enjoy helping people take control of their health and their finances.  The financial freedom this career has given my family while allowing me to stay home with my kids and enjoy them all day is something I never dreamed was possible – but it’s not just for me! It’s possible for any one of you reading this article. Why not you? Have you tried a home business before and failed? So had I. Are you shy? So am I. You’re not a health and fitness expert? Trust me when I say neither was I. This is a business ANYONE can succeed with if they are willing to try, ready for a change for themselves and their families, and I can help you do it.

Message me.

Look me up on Facebook.

Ask me all your questions.

And then take the next step – Join Team determiNation.

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Amy Allen star diamond coach





Coach Success Story: “I made more than $25,000 and paid off my student loan debt!”


Meet Danielle H., a Star Diamond coach on my team, one of my very good friends, and my personal Success Partner.

Two years ago this week, Danielle decided to take the plunge into Beachbody coaching.  She was overweight, unhealthy and BURIED in student loan debt. At the rate she was going, it would take a little over 10 years to pay off her student loan debt… in fact, she was looking into ways to defer her student loans because she didn’t have the extra money to make the payments!

Instead, she decided to join a Turbofire Challenge Group. Once she saw amazing results (and they were amazing!  In fact, they were so amazing, Beachbody paid her an extra $1000 for sharing them in the Beachbody Challenge!!), she set a goal to pay off ALL of her student loan debt as a BEACHBODY coach…and that ONE decision changed her entire life…

Now, Danielle is:

          • Healthy (and not a bit overweight!)
          • Happy
          • Confident….and PRESENTS on STAGE to hundreds of people!
          • Teaching as a fitness coach
          • Excited about her future and the endless possibilities
          • She just paid OFF COMPLETELY one of her THREE student loans.
          • She WILL BE debt free THIS year!
          • She’s on track to DOUBLE if not TRIPLE her Beachbody income this YEAR alone!In just two years working part time as a coach (she still has a full time job!!), she’s made OVER $25,000 dollars, earned multiple FREE trips, paid off more DEBT than she imagined was possible, and has changed countless amount of lives just by sharing her journey and helping others get healthy, happy and financially free like her.  And all because of one decision she made to TAKE CONTROL of her health.

Want more information about how you can TAKE CONTROL of your health and finances with a career as a Beachbody coach?  Check out this post for more information or message me for details!

Amy Allen star diamond coach


My Year of Uncomfortable Goals, Dreaming Big and Never Giving Up!!


Something I have started doing since I started coaching with Beachbody is setting yearly goals. Throughout the year, it helps me to look at the things I hope to accomplish and evaluate whether I am on track to meet those goals. So for the past week or so, I have been thinking about the things I want to accomplish within my business in the next twelve months and looking back over the past year to see which goals I was able to accomplish.

When I look back to where my career with Beachbody was at the beginning of last year, the changes are incredible. In the past 12 months from Jan 2013 to Jan 2014, my income has more than tripled. That’s a pretty amazing feat for a stay at home homeschool mama. During a year where I moved from Arizona to Oklahoma, where I was a single mom because my husband was deployed for more than ½ of the year, I was able to work from home and triple my income. The impact this has had on our family is unreal. When I decided to quit working full time to stay at home and homeschool Madison and any future children we would have, our household income took a significant hit. Not that we were struggling, but there wasn’t always extra money to do those fun things, to say yes to the kids, or to plan for the future. We were living day by day, using credit cards and now that is a thing of the past. We are able to plan out life goals for 5 or 10 or even 20 years from now – we have a plan to pay off our brand new house on 10 acres in the next five years and we aren’t worried about how we will pay for college for three kids. Prior to my career with Beachbody, none of that would have been possible.

20 years

So what did I actually do last year??

It was a great year for me – and I was able to meet many of my goals!

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I ended the year as a 2 Star Diamond Coach and I was able to attend the Leadership Conference in California with a guest of my own.

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I hit Success Club 5 every month and earned a free cruise to Cozumel and Grand Cayman, plus $500 to spend while I am on the cruise!  And not only that, but I was able to help some of my team earn the trip for FREE as well!!

I was only a few dollars away from hitting my yearly income goal – which is still a healthy amount for my family and a huge blessing for us.

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Matt and I were able to buy our dream retirement home on ten acres, where we can start homesteading and achieve our dream of being sustainable – this would have been a stretch on his income alone, and we wouldn’t have been in a financial position to buy it. But with my additional income from Beachbody, we were not only able to purchase this house, but we will also be able to pay it off before he retires from the military in 5 years.

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With the incredible achievements of my team, I ended 2013 in the top .01% of the company! This wasn’t on my goal list, but it is one of the things I am really proud of in the last year.

So what is on the tap for this year??

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My slogan for the year is NEVER GIVE UP. Some of the goals I have on this list are the same goals I had this year. But with a new start, I’m ready to tackle them again with greater intensity and I will meet all of them in 2014. And since I will be focusing on helping my team achieve success this year, I will be teaching them not to give up on their dreams too – it’s never too late to TAKE CONTROL of your life and grab what you want!


I want to help AT LEAST 100 people REACH their health and fitness goals in 2014.

I am going to complete the 21 Day Fix (multiple times!) and follow the meal plan and container system to completely cut out processed foods in 2014… and while we are on that note, my next goal is…

NO POP IN 2014… this has been my biggest struggle for years, but this will be the year I finally say No More!

I will get 1,000 subscribers to my blog, newsletter, and my YouTube channel and pass 2,500 Facebook friends. The reason for this is simple – the more people I can reach, the more people I can HELP! I love helping people meet their goals, and I love coaching them along the way!

I will sponsor 60 new coaches. I will help 10 of them hit Diamond, 5 hit Star Diamond, and 2 hit Premiere. During this year, I do plan to continue my personal growth within the company, but I want to focus MORE on the success of my team – I want to help them achieve the same success I have seen and one way I am going to do that is by focusing on creating strong training programs that will teach them to duplicate my success… and that leads into my next goal, which is to…

Make 104 YouTube videos this year (2 per week), a majority of which will be TRAINING videos for my team.

I will hit SC 10 by the 10th of every month – not just hit is every month, but hit is by the 10th so I can spend the rest of the month focusing on the success of my TEAM.

I will be an ELITE coach in 2014.

By December of 2014, I will match Matt’s income and, as a result,

I WILL pay off my house with Beachbody income by 2018 before Matt retires from the Air Force.

And, now that I have shared all my goals with you, I want to share this – if you have ever even thought about becoming a coach or want to know more about coaching, now is the time to take action. It’s the beginning of a new year, it’s a time when your family and friends (and maybe you too) are ready to take control of their health! It’s a chance for you to connect with them and help them improve their lives physically, emotionally, financially.

one on one mentorship graphic

If you are looking for a source to earn extra income or replace income, please contact me. I am currently accepting applications for my 2014 One on One Mentorship program. This is a chance for you to be part of a team that is in the top .01% of the company. I’m only accepting a limited number of applicants so that I can devote my time and guidance to you, one on one and honestly, I can only do that for a small number of people at one time. But if you would like to be mentored by a top coach in this company, someone who is motivated to help others meet their goals, be part of an amazing team that is like a family to me, and have access to a system that will ensure you reach your goals, please watch this video and fill out the application below to be considered for a spot on my team.

Amy Allen star diamond coach

dreams come true disney quote

Now Accepting Applications!


Want to learn how you can earn a full time income working from home and earn free vacations for your family while helping yourself and others achieve their health and fitness goals?

Beachbody is the company that makes P90X, Insanity and the 21 Day Fix. They also sell the top nutrition supplement on the market, a meal replacement with more than 70 superfoods called Shakeology. They also have an amazing home business opportunity like Pampered Chef or Scentsy but without the parties. Basically it works like this – you get amazing results with Beachbody products, share the benefits with your friends and family, and you make a commission off anything that is ordered through you.


I have been working as a coach for Beachbody for about 18 months now. I started when I was going through chemotherapy and drinking Shakeology really helped me during my treatments. It’s a quality product that I love and believe in. I never expected that this would be the start of a career for me, but having cancer was a wake up call for me.  I wanted to be around to take care of my kids, and having cancer made me realize that I needed to change the way I was eating, exercising, and taking care of my body.


I started running monthly challenge groups for my friends and family, to help them start exercising, eating clean, and taking care of themselves.  I wanted to pass on what I had learned to everyone that I knew.  I watched my friends start getting results, feeling better about their health and becoming more confident.  Aside from being a mom, it’s the most fulfilling job I’ve ever had.


By the end of my first year as a coach, I was making as much as I used to make at my full time job, before I stopped working to stay at home with my kids. By this summer, I had doubled that amount. I’m on track to be making a six figure income this year, working from home.  In my first year, I also ended up earning a free trip to Disneyworld with my family and then another one to Argentina.  In my second year, I earned a trip to Dana Point California and a cruise to Cozumel and Grand Cayman.

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I started out working 1-2 hours per day and now I work 3-4 on a long day. The extra income we have has allowed us to become financially free on a military income and we are able to live without stress about money.

I am looking for people who believe in the company and our products, who want to end obesity and disease, to join my team. I will be working with you one on one with them to create the same sort of results that I have seen in my own business. If that is a step you are ready to take, watch this video and submit your applications via the link below.  I look forward to hearing from you!


Product Reviews: Shakeology

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Product Reviews:

There are so many products I use, things I’ve discovered by trial and error and I wish someone would have just told me from the gate… so this is the first post in a series of products I would recommend to someone going through cancer treatments.  These are products I used, I loved, and I depended on during my treatment.




Shakeology is a nutrition supplement. You can add it into a normal diet or use it as a meal replacement. In my opinion, it is the best on the market. It is 100% natural, no artificial ingredients or sweeteners, and it contains more than $40 of fruits and veggies in each glass.

It also has over 70 super foods, including many that are associated with cancer fighting or cancer prevention (check out my board on pinterest for some of the ingredients that are thought to fight or prevent cancer and what they do!!).


I initially ordered Shakeology to lose weight after my youngest son was born. When I found out I had cancer and started chemotherapy, I decided to keep drinking it as a nutrition supplement. There are so many days that you just don’t feel like eating and I always felt that even if I didn’t have anything else to eat that day, I would feel good knowing that I had all those fruits, veggies, vitamins, minerals and super foods already in my body.


As I went through chemo, I realized that Shakeology seemed to be helping me deal with the side effects typically associated with treatments. Let me give you some examples…


One side effect of chemotherapy is constipation. On days of my actual treatment and 2-3 days after, I didn’t drink Shakeology. I developed an aversion to everything I ate on those days. And during those 2-3 days, I could not go to the bathroom. My nurses prescribed a stool softener for me but it didn’t seem to make any difference. I soon realized that as soon as I had my shake on Day 3, I would go to the bathroom within 30 minutes. It wasn’t a fluke. It happened every time. Even my husband noticed and when I would complain about constipation, he would tell me to go drink my shake. And this makes total sense! One of the things that Shakeology does is improve your digestion and regularity.


Another place I noticed reduced side effects was in my hair loss. One of the ingredients in Shakeology is Maitake mushroom (more on that in another post!). It is thought by the American Cancer Society to reduce hair loss during chemo (link) and it is in Shakeology! You can read more about my hair loss journey here or watch my YouTube video here but to sum it up – I didn’t lose all my hair! Over the course of 6 months, I only lost about 1/3 and kept enough that I never had to shave my head. And the rate it has come back in has been phenomenal. I’m not going to lie. My hair has always grown fairly fast, but since starting Shakeology, it’s growing at about twice it’s normal speed – almost an inch each month. And that’s not just my opinion. I’ve brought this up numerous times and my fellow Shakeology drinkers agree – it significantly speeds hair growth and improves the health of your hair.


I experienced very little nausea. I was given a nausea medicine via IV prior to starting each treatment. But I was also sent home with additional nausea medicine that I never had to take. And I think Shakeology might be part of the reason for that. The Maitake Mushroom among other ingredients is thought by the American Cancer Soceity to reduce the side effects of chemo, including nausea. And guess what. Yep, that’s right, it’s in Shakeology.


Finally, there’s the energy factor. Shakeology fuels your body with the food you need and the difference it makes in your energy level is amazing. I felt tired for 2-3 days post treatment but once I was back on my shake, my energy shot back up. I literally had more energy during my treatments than I had had for the four years prior. And I still had a newborn baby waking up several times a night!


This product literally helped me so much, I wanted to share it with everyone I knew. I signed up to be a health and fitness coach through the company who produces the product so I that could continue to share it with my friends and family as well as other people who are going through cancer treatment. It’s a product that I fully believe in and have been drinking daily for a year and a half. And the way it makes me feel is so amazing, I will continue drinking it for the rest of my life.


*Just as a disclaimer – Drinking Shakeology did not cure my cancer. I believe that was caused by completing my treatment plan and through the power of prayer. But I do believe that Shakeology lessened the side effects of chemo because mine were significantly less than anyone else I know. I also believe that changing your diet will decrease the chance of cancer returning in the future. I AM NOT A DOCTOR. I am just an ordinary person, sharing my personal experience. You will have to decide what is best for your future.


Read more about Shakeology here!