What is the 3 Day Refresh??

3 day refresh before after 3day detox clease beachbody cleanse three

You may have heard me talk about the Shakeology Cleanse before – it’s a great way to drop around 5 pounds in three days, following a mostly liquid diet, and you can read more about it here.  But as great as the results from the Shakeology Cleanse were, it wasn’t an ideal way to clean out your body and really detox.  Shakeology is an awesome product, but that isn’t what it was designed for.

Luckily for us, Beachbody saw what we were doing and knew we needed a better solution.  A healthy way to detox your body quickly, to safely lose weight, and even to jumpstart your weight loss results from one of our other awesome programs like the 21 Day Fix.  And so they created the 3 Day Refresh.


I have done cleanses before, and they are hard.  But one of the things I love about this cleanse is that it isn’t strictly liquids.  It includes the best of every detox program I have heard from – Shakeology, tea, juice, clean eating, and supplements and it combines them all into an easy to follow program for three days that delivers amazing results.

I am in pretty good shape.  For the most part I eat clean and stay away from processed foods.  And because of that, I didn’t expect amazing results.  But what happened for me BLEW. ME. AWAY.

But before I share my results with you, let me tell you a little bit about how the refresh works.

3 day refresh meal plan

Each day, you wake up and get started with a cup of water followed by Shakeology.  You can add in fruit or eat it on the side.  Mid morning, you can have a cup of tea and you drink Fiber Sweep, a supplement designed to gently clean out your insides.

For lunch, you drink Vanilla Fresh, a specially designed protein drink with more protein than Shakeology and vitamins specifically geared to sustain your body during the cleanse.  You also get to have a veggie serving and a healthy fat.  Mid afternoon, you can drink another cup of tea along with an afternoon snack, another veggie or a fresh juice – I chose the juice option and it was the perfect amount of sweet to keep me going.

For dinner, it’s another shake along with a dinner option – a little more than just veggies – and you can accompany that with veggie broth if you need just a little more.  Post dinner, you have the option of one more cup of tea.

Each day you follow the same routine, but since there are multiple food options, you can change it up some what.  I made a video diary of each day I followed the refresh, how I felt, what I ate, and what I did.  Here are the videos –

If you are curious about exactly what comes in your kit, check out this video where I show you exactly what you get.

Exercise is optional during the three days.  By the end of three days, I felt great but there were times when I felt weak, so listen to your body.  My results were little to light exercise on two days.

One thing I added to my refresh was a daily detox bath.  I have long believed in detox baths and I thought it would be relaxing and hopefully intensify my results.  Each day I did a different one – I elaborate more on them in the videos, and I also plan to post about that later this week.

3 day refresh results 3day three detox cleanse after before

So after three days, here are my results – I was down three pounds AND I lost THREE INCHES in my waist alone.  My pictures aren’t amazing… but I am not sucking in… coming off a weekend in Vegas, I was pretty bloated from bad food.  But THREE INCHES????  I was in shock.  I measured multiple times because I was sure that I was wrong.  My main waist measurement went from 29.5 inches to 26.5 inches.  In three days.

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These are my skinny jeans and my skinny top.  The one I never wear because it’s too small… and it fit.  And beyond that, the way I felt?  Amazing.

Want to try it for yourself??  Visit www.getfixedwithAmy.com to order – right now you can get it for just $10 with your Shakeology order and I can’t imagine a better deal than that.




Total Body Cardio workout from the 21 Day Fix

Here’s a little sneak peek of the Total Body Cardio workout from the 21 Day Fix!

Each workout is 30 minutes long with a three minute warmup and three minute cool down. Within each video, you will do a series of exercises, each for one minute with a 20 second break in between.

My personal thoughts on this first workout is that it was pretty intense. And although some of it *seemed* easy at the time, I could feel it the next day.


Despite that, my feeling is that the program IS very beginner friendly. During the entire workout, there is a modifier showing how you can do the moves at a lower intensity.

The information that comes with the workout suggests that you can use a resistance band or weights but after doing this workout, I highly recommend weights. I think it would be more effective and the DVD does not show you how to modify the exercises to use the resistance band.

Want info on how you can get started on the 21 Day Fix? Read more about the program here or check out my meal plan!


Spicy Green Beans

If you asked my husband what his favorite recipes are, I’m quite sure this one would be in his top five. It’s super quick and easy but also very tasty. I’m personally not a super huge fan of spicy things, but my husband is, so this is a recipe we can both enjoy – I add crushed red pepper to his and I leave it off mine and the kids.

spicy green beans amy allen fitness

Spicy Green Beans (serves 1)

Container Checklist: 1 green, 1 oil


1 ¼ cup organic green beans (can be fresh or frozen

1 clove of garlic, finely chopped

1 t. olive oil

1/4-1/2 t. crushed red pepper (optional)

Heat oil in skillet on stove top over med-high heat. When it is very hot, add the green beans, garlic and red pepper and saute until they are tender, 15-20 min. We like ours to be a little singed, so I don’t stir them very often and let them get a little bit black on the outside.

You can use fresh or frozen green beans (both are approved on the 21 Day Fix!) but until we get our garden up and going, I normally use these frozen ones – the flavor is really good and they are organic.

cascadian farms fresh cut green beans frozenEnjoy!!

Amy Allen star diamond coach


What is the 21 Day Fix??

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The 21 Day Fix is the newest fitness program on the market, scheduled to be released on February 3rd. It’s a totally unique concept in the fitness world for a few reasons – it’s exercise and nutrition COMBINED into one all inclusive program, you only workout for 30 minutes EACH DAY (!!) and you can see killer results in JUST 21 DAYS. This is virtually unheard of, especially since this is NOT a crash diet or an extreme starvation diet – it’s a sustainable, HEALTHY change and (big shocker!!): YOU CAN STILL HAVE DESSERT!

This rapid weight loss program gives you a nutrition guide with portion controlled containers, a workout program, plus the support and accountability of ME as your coach.

Yes, it’s true – now there is a program that makes losing weight so easy and simple to follow, you’ll never have to diet again! This is the 21 Day Fix, the newest breakthrough from Beachbody.

21 day Fix review

So what is the 21 Day Fix??

The 21 Day Fix program takes the guesswork out of weight loss. It’s a unique portion-control system combined with easy-to-follow 30 minute workouts that fit into anyone’s busy schedule. Trainer Autumn Calabrese shares her passion for food and fitness as she shows you how to make simple choices that add up to life-changing results.

I can’t even begin to share how stinking excited I am about this!! How many of us FEEL like we are doing everything we can but we just aren’t seeing any changes?? You’re going to the gym 3-5 times a week, you’re working hard than anyone there… you think you are eating healthy, but no results?? IT COULD BE SOMETHING AS SIMPLE AS PORTION SIZES… And this program, the complete package, can help you pull it all together and finally see the results you are looking for!


As a top Team Beachbody coach, I got the chance to try this workout live during our annual Leadership conference in Dana Point, CA. I’m not going to beat around the bush… it was HARD. 30 minutes? Should be a piece of cake, right? But I was literally struggling to get through it (in a good way!) and I definitely felt it the next way. This isn’t an easy program… it’s designed to get results. Push through and there is NO WAY you won’t see a change in 21 days.

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One truly awesome thing about the workout is the modifications. Every single workout has a modifier, so if you are just starting out on your fitness journey, that’s ok. A beginner CAN do these workouts. And if you are more advanced, you will follow the advanced instructor. Literally EVERYONE can benefit from these workouts. It is a positive and motivating workout and I will be ordering the MINUTE it is released.

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I was lucky enough to get a sneak peek of the eating guide and I have to say, I have been BLOWN AWAY. It’s so simple, easy-to-follow and the way I feel since I have been following this plan is incredible. I have been eating pretty healthy for a while now, but having these guidelines has made a big difference in my bloating (!!) and in the way I feel. I’m really looking forward to having the actual containers to continue eating this way daily.

So how can you get your own copy of the 21 Day Fix?

For starters, go to my site and create a FREE account which makes ME your Beachbody coach. Then I will send you the details on the 21 Day Fix during the week of Jan 27th. I will be hosting an EXCLUSIVE test group for anyone who would like the support, guidance, motivation and accountability to start and complete the program.

If you want to be part of the test group, submit the application below to be considered for a spot in the group. The group will be only a SELECT group of individuals with are READY TO COMMIT to 21 days of focus and intensity. I will be right there with you to help you navigate the eating plan, to teach you how to plan your meals, to make it work for your life and most importantly, to keep you accountable.

The group is run through an online closed support group, which means no one but those participating in the group can see what is posted. I WILL NOT LET YOU FAIL! If you will invest in me, I will invest in you, your health, and your fitness. The only cost to you is the cost of the challenge pack which will include EVERYTHING you need to get started. It includes the 21 Day nutrition guide, the program manual, the workouts, the containers, Shakeology and a Shakeology Shaker cup, free shipping, a discounted price and ME as your coach for accountability, support, and guidance.


It took a HUGE wake up call for me to get started on a healthy lifestyle – cancer!! Having cancer made me realize I needed to change the way I was taking care of myself so I could be there to raise my kids… and this is something I want for ALL OF YOU. I want to help you TAKE CONTROL of your health so you can life a full healthy life with no regrets… so why not start now? Don’t wait for that wake up call… this is it! This is your chance to change your life. Why not now? Why not you? Be the next transformation!!

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21 Day Fix EXCLUSIVE TEST GROUP Application Form


The Neulasta Shot

I knew chemotherapy would be bad. I knew it would make me sick, nauseous, and tired. But I didn’t realize that the shot the next day would be worse. I had chemotherapy every other week. And the day after chemo, I went back in to get a Neulasta shot to boost my white blood cell production.


From what I understand, the Neulasta shot basically tells your body to start producing more white blood cells because the medicine in the chemotherapy is going to kill all the ones your already have. It’s like what happens when you get the flu – the way your bones start to hurt – times seven. I dreaded going in for the shot more than going in for chemo. Not only did the actual shot hurt (and I’m not a baby about shots, but this one was bad), but it also made my bones hurt. Bad. Like I couldn’t take a shower for several days bad because each tiny drop of water felt like a bullet hitting my bones.


But as much as I wanted to (and I REALLY wanted to…) I never skipped it. And I never got really sick. I was never hospitalized for low cell counts, and I was never hospitalized for extreme sickness, so for me, I have to say it was worth it. If you are on the fence about it, do it. And if you are thinking about skipping it, don’t.

Product Review: Biotene Gum

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Product Review:  Biotene

I don’t typically chew gum, but I just about invested stock in this company while going through my treatments. I don’t think my dry mouth was as severe as it could have been, but these products are amazing. I personally used the gum (almost every day), the toothpaste, and the mouthwash. I strongly recommend having them on hand to use for the dry mouth associated with chemotherapy.

Here is a link to purchase the product on Amazon. (I don’t get any kick back from this, so feel free to use it or not! It’s just here for convenience).

Product Review: Nioxin

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Product Review:  Nioxin


If you have read any of my story, then you probably know that I didn’t lose my hair during cancer. You can watch more about that in my YouTube video. But my hair did thin out quite a bit and so to combat that, I used a product called Nioxin. It’s just a shampoo/conditioner/scalp treatment for thinning hair, but it helped me tremendously. It thickened my hair and stimulated hair growth in the areas where it was most thin. You can get it from a beauty store like Ulta for just from Amazon. I highly recommend #6 which is specially formulated for thinning, chemically treated hair. Even if you have never had a perm or had your hair colored, go for the chemically treated one because you have so many chemicals in your body from chemotherapy.


Here is a link to the product on Amazon (I don’t get any kick back from this, so feel free to use it or not! It’s just here for convenience).